Sure, a helpdesk system is an excellent invention meant to ease the process of query resolution. But at the end of the day, it gets down to you handle each ticket.
Tickets can difficult to handle. More and more queries can start flowing in when you think MD:
Mistakes in ticket handling can create serious obstacles in customer support communications and cause churn among customers. Each support ticket should be dealt with accurately to avoid confusion and mistakes.
Train Your Team to Deal with Each Ticket Correctly
An unskilled team can mess up ticket handling and management.
Some tickets a hard nut to crack, and every support staff wants to avoid them. A trained agent can do better than “try to dodge a tough query.”
There’s also “the wandering lot” of queries that pass from one department to the next— and can compromise First-Contact Resolution (FCR) rates and Average Resolution Times (ART).
FCR rate refers to the number of tickets your agents solve during the first-time contact, while ART refers to the average time your team takes to respond to tickets. These are just indicators of performance to gauge the effectiveness of your help desk solutions or customer support.
Again higher FCR rates and shorter resolution times only come with a well-trained team of helpdesk system operators.
So you must train your team to stay on top of your ever-piling tickets while avoiding backlogs and customer churn due to unsolved issues.
Tips to Solve Every Ticket
Because every customer matters, each ticket is a priority to a retailer. Here’s a guide on how to handle every ticket.
Respond with easy-to-understand answers.
Easy to comprehend answers solve tickets quicker than a complicated response that does not communicate a clear solution to the customer.
In dealing with a support ticket, mention what the customer must do (or your company will do) to fix their problem.
And instead of a long, complicated story, use simple vocabulary and language.
Respond Swiftly to each support ticket that comes in.
Respond within 30 minutes of the first contact. Let the client know you are working on a solution even if you don’t have an answer to the problem at the moment.
Giving immediate feedback gives a customer the peace of mind that you are aware of their concerns, and you are doing something about it.
Customers hate unresponsive retailers, so an immediate response can control churn rates.
Monitor the status of each query.
Savvy operators monitor the status of each support ticket. And failure to do so means misplaced tickets— and in the end, disappointed customers.
Tracing a support ticket and updating the right status is essential in hassle-free query resolution. It’s just like sending an order to a client. If you use the wrong address, the package won’t reach the customer.
Statuses can be things like;
- Unsolved: These are new entries that need a response ASAP. If you respond to inform a client that you are working on a remedy to their problem, the status remains as Unsolved.
- Solved: If you reply to an unsolved ticket with an answer that will lead to first contact resolution, update the status to Solved.
- Pending: Update to Pending when you’re seeking further details from a client to solve a ticket. Remind customers to act faster if they take weirdly long to get back with this crucial info needed to fix their issue.
Update correctly every time to avoid confusion in your ticket system and annoying your customers.
Check for new entries.
Make it an organizational culture to always check for further queries and solve them as they flow in.
You will receive an e-mail notification every time a ticket comes in, always check and solve tickets every time you receive a notification.
Mobile support can ensure you deal with customer queries on the move.
Also, check your spam box time and again—a perfectly legit ticket can be labeled as spam and may never reach your inbox.
Avoid passing tickets from one department to the next.
Moving tickets from one level of support to the next is a recipe for disaster in ticket management.
Train your operators to try solving each support ticket and discuss queries as a team before they refer it to a different department.
This cuts down ticket-backlog and streamlines support to a culture where queries are solved one-time.
Don’t abandon a support ticket before you address it.
To a customer, a question remains unsettled until an official communication or notification from your support team.
After solving a ticket, make sure you notify the customer that you’ve fixed their issue.
Deal with old queries then move to new tickets.
With tickets, it’s always from “old to new” and never from “new to old.” After a customer has waited in a queue for long, all they deserve is a quick solution to their problem.
The last thing you want to do is to stand up an old ticket to solve others, especially after a client has been waiting for days.
Choosing the Right Helpdesk System Can Streamline Ticket Management
Tech is key in ticket handling. The helpdesk system you choose can make or break your ticket management efforts.
A helpdesk system increases the chances of a first-time resolution and reduces resolution time by:
- Solving common queries straight away
- Prioritizing matters for easy identification and immediate resolution
- Assigning queries to specific customer support agents for strategic resolution
- Keeping track of each request
So you want to look into all the features of the software options available in the market to pick one that fits your needs.
Here is a list of some of the features you need in an ecommerce helpdesk solution if you’re after hassle-free ticket management.
- User-friendly interface
- Knowledgebase
- Self-service solutions
- Well-organized Ticket Management
- Mobile Helpdesk Support
- Customer Review or Feedback
- Agent Pooling
These are only a few elements. You can always search for helpdesk tools with more features and capabilities if your organization needs more than these basics.
Final Words
Nowadays, customer experience is impacting buying decisions more that factors like price. Your customer service experience can, therefore, satisfy and retain or annoy and chase away clients.
Handling every query thoroughly is the key to a smooth ticket management system. Bad practices can take a toll on your customer support even if you have the best of tools.