How to Improve Conversion Rates Using Live Chat Solution

Every online business aims at boosting their conversion rates by creating new ways to get visitors to their sites. However, most of the strategies they apply have had a low success rate in converting a potential customer into a buying client.

A perfect way to boost conversion rates is by focusing on changing sales and customer support systems. A good example is by applying the use of live chat and offering instant support to your clients.

There are many benefits in interacting directly with clients on a real-time basis on your website landing page or homepage the best tool to improve conversion rates and help businesses realize profits.

Well, you may have heard or even used it before, and you don’t know what it is.

What is live chat?

Live chat is an online customer service communication software that enables website owners to chat with their page visitors in real-time.

Since its inception, live chat has transformed how online businesses do their sales and marketing strategy. Days have passed when prospects would wait for hours to receive the response to a product query he emailed earlier. Or taken through a cycle of endless call prompts.

Although it is a new tool in the online space, and most businesses do not make fair use of it, when used correctly, live chat can bring an incredible turnaround in your conversion rates.

In this post, we will share with you some tips on how you can use live chat solutions to boost your conversion rate.

Let’s understand conversion rates.

What are the conversion rates?

Conversion rate is the percentage of customers visiting your website and turn into buyers or completes a desired action on your page.

More conversion means successful marketing: it indicates that people like what you are promoting and are easily accessible.

Depending on the business niche you are operating, a conversion can be anything you target with your site. Below are common types of conversions.

  • Calling your business.
  • Submitting a form.
  • Making a purchase.
  • Registering on the site.
  • Signing up for subscriptions.
  • Downloading something.
  • Registering on the site.

Technically a conversion is a quantifiable activity that drives a prospective client into turning to a paying customer. There are various conversion activities visitors can choose from on a site, but the above examples should give you a grasp of what a conversion is.

How to calculate conversion rates?

When calculating conversion rates, you take the total number of conversions you receive per given time and divide by the total number of visitors to your site or landing page and multiply by 100%.

For instance, you have 12,000 visitors and 5,700 conversions in a month, your conversion rate will be 47.5%. That looks easy, right?

With accurate tracking of your visitors, digital analytics and advertising platforms (e.g., Google Ads and google analytical) can be handy by showing you your conversion rates on their interface.

One of the most interesting factors about conversion rate is that you can be as broad or as specific as you want with your rates.

Below are various conversion rates examples you can apply and how you can use the data to assess your performance.

  • Sales channel conversion rates: tells you which marketing channel is likely to convert.
  • Overall conversion rates: it shows the rate at which your website converts visitors from other sources.
  • Page-level conversion rates: shows pages which are converting traffics best.
  • Keyword conversion rate: tells you the keyword to concentrate your budgets on.
  • Campaign conversion rates: it confirms to you if your target campaigns changed anything.

The above list is just a drop in the ocean. Conversion rate is a significant standard used in evaluating the performance of any area of your online business.

Having grasped what a conversion rate is, types and how to calculate the figures, it is essential now to take you through ways to use live chat to improve the conversion rate up to 40%.

Let’s get started.

Importance of live chat

In every business, it is wise to know why some factors are essential to your business. This way, you get a full understanding of how success came about and how to reproduce them.

Live chat is not a special case in this regard. So let us understand why live chat is vital to your business.

  1. Live chat helps generate new leads.

Convenience is one of the reasons people like live chat. The experience it gives is the same as that of a brick and mortar store. It offers clients the opportunity to interact with the sales support team in real-time.

Additionally, live chat provides incentives to your team so they can proactively market. You do not have to wait for the client to reach to you first in order to interact with them.

Live chat solutions have engagement properties that makes it easy for you to reach your visitors based on their purchase history and browsing history, where they come from, and some other factors you may need to consider.

This exposes you to new prospects you can engage and convert into paying customers. Furthermore, clients and prospects are always looking for service updates, best deals, and products.

Engaging them proactively gives them the required information about your products and solutions to make well-informed decisions and also maintains their loyalty.

Engaging your customers based on their on-page behaviors and interactions, you get to make suggestions in line with their previous purchases and browsing history, giving each a personalized experience.

Live chat solution is the cheapest customer acquisition strategy you can get in the market. There is no expensive integration required to make it work with your customer relationship management platform or the CRM.

The infrastructure and software are part of the live chat widget, and all that is needed is the CRM to provide leads to your sales team.

Improve conversion rates using live chat. CRM banner in the customer service center.

Image tag: improve conversion rates using live chat. CRM banner in the customer service center.

Author credit: By Jaroslav Trejbal – Own work, Public Domain,

  1. Live chat improves customer experience

Everybody and consumers alike speak and think of the memorable moments and experiences. Providing one at the beginning of the client’s journey creates a firm ground for the first impression.

Several research pieces have shown that 29% of consumers have shared with their friends about a positive chat experience they had from a particular website.

It is, therefore, essential for businesses to make sure that live chats best practices are applied whenever a user is engaged. These interactions with customers satisfaction software and prospects help to define and market your brand positively.

When used in the right way, live chat promotes word of mouth, help the business develop by winning a new customer.

  1. Live chats help customers in decision-making.

Most of the time, clients who use live chat are either in the process of buying or want to make a purchase. Engaging a customer at this stage is important, and it works magic.

You can set your live chat triggers to offer alternatives to customers or educate them on the services you provide. This enables them to make quick and informed decisions about the activity they want to do on your site.

According to research by Forrester, 44% of online consumers say that one of the best features of a website is having your questions solved by a live person during purchase.

That’s true. A simple gesture of responding to clients’ questions can differentiate between a bounce and a sale.

  1. Optimized sales funnel

Live chats not only helps in marketing your products; it allows you to start converting your prospects in real-time.

Focus on giving answers to the sales questions and aim at maximizing every chance of filling the shopping cart of your visitors or transform them into a sales opportunity.

Live chat boosts website conversions by 20% and above on average. Clients who communicate through live chats have three times the likelihood of making a purchase than those who don’t.

Every business should focus on integrating live chat on their websites and define an approach of engaging and selling to their visitors.

The strategy should consider how to engage your customers, the products you will be promoting, and ways your team will be answering technical questions that arise.

Team members who are part of the clients’ journey should work hand in hand to support sales, and their tool for communicating with the customers should be live chat.

According to ICMI statistics, site visitors who interact with your company through live chat are 4.5 times worth than those who don’t.

  1. Live chat provides instant support

Apart from allowing customers to get instant answers to pre-sales questions, live chat has a major role in clients’ retention too. It will enable your support team to give immediate support to customers according to their urgency on an issue.

Getting a new customer can take five times as much strength as retaining one. Ensure your customer support and success team are always there to make customers get value from your services and find solutions to issues and problems that they may have.

It’s not a big deal if you are unable to solve the problem within the record time, but don’t gamble on the quality of support you offer as clients have more interest in getting solutions to their problems even though it takes time.

Most studies have shown that live chat is the most favored channel by online consumers because of its rapidness in giving solutions, improved experience, and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Clients and prospects expect many businesses to feature a live chat solution in their customer service strategies to enjoy the benefits that come with it.

However, the only problem is that most of these businesses do not know how to use it effectively to improve their conversion rates.

There is no magic spell with live chat, but when used correctly as a means of B2C communication, it can boost your conversion rate up to 40% leading to positive business growth.

Let’s see how you can use it to make that happen.

How live chat can boost your conversion rates to 40%

  1. Direct your user

Being the most preferred engagement medium by online consumers-92% of user s report satisfaction with live chat, it shows that many people are trusting live chat over the other channels.

And having known this, it is essential not to compromise on the quality of the support you get to your customers.

However, pay attention to the pages that prompt live chat engagements or inquiries and use these chats as the foundation for your on-page optimizations.

For instance, if there are many chats coming through your products page about special product quality, you can use that information to direct the users on the procedure of purchase or offer relevant information in a way that is sensible to the audience.

While live chat is an ideal way of reducing customer’s worries, it is even a better strategy to stop clients from having concerns at all.

  1. Keep chats visible but not distractive. 

Despite all the talking about live chat and its importance, sometimes customers get into your site and see nothing that can compel them into chatting.

Due to this, chats should be strategically positioned on the page in a way that it can be found and accessed easily without causing distraction.

The typical way of achieving this is to use a small chat window placed on the bottom right side of the page or just an icon you can click to initiate conversation.

It can also be a proactive chat: this is a live chat that speaks to you before you talk to them or a chat that sends a message to you anytime you click on a page asking how they can help you.

Also, integrate an active chat head in all your pages, such as the homepage, sales page, and landing page. Doing this will help you to know which pages people like to open chats on.

  1. Train your support team.

Because live chat is a customer support channel, you must have a very competent support team. Train and have them updated on the emerging trends on live chat solutions. A few of the things they should know are:

  • Not to jump into answers.

Though the idea is to give answers to clients as fast as possible, the support team should not rush into answers. Don’t respond to a question before making sure that the solution has a foundation.

In case of a need to confirm something, request the customer to hold on a bit so as to give them the correct information.

  • Adding personality to answers.

When engaging a customer on live chat, it is important not to sound like a robot. The team should follow laid down protocols, but they should not copy-paste their responses.

Each customer assistant can customize and personalize the texts as needed and encouraged to include their personalities in the response.

  • Matching the customers’ tone and checking grammatical errors.

During your engagements with the customers, you will find that some are more casual while others are formal. This is why your customer support team should practice matching the customer’s tone.

It is best to speak to them according to their tone to make them feel comfortable. Finally, being grammatically sound is essential. It is crucial to maintain language rules and sentence structure tight even when you are communicating casually.

  1. Keep your response time to a minimum.

When utilizing live chat, the need for rapid responses is crucial, and with an NY dedicated server, you can achieve just that. The average response time should ideally hover around 46 seconds, with the fastest responses taking as little as 7 seconds.

Though there is always room for sending an automated reply saying “stay with us, we always respond within 2 minutes”, your customers will probably not wait for two minutes to receive answers for every question they have.

So, the bottom line is to make the response time as fast as possible.

  1. Provide transcripts.

For increased customer satisfaction, provide customers with transcripts of the chats after the conversation has ended. Do this to also capture their email address by asking them their contact details to send the document over.

Interestingly, both sides stand to gain by doing this. For the client, they can easily access the chats and refer to the answers instead of going back to ask the same question again.

To the company, it makes it easy for the assistant to know what transpired during their last conversation with the customer and finds how to handle them efficiently when they come back.

Also, giving chat transcripts is a better strategy for doing upsell and ensuring the client becomes a return client- you always remain with the clients’ contact information when you send them the transcripts.

  1. Use inside salespeople

To effectively use a live chat solution, it is best to use the inside salespersons and not any other customer service representative.

Image tag: best sales practice.

Inside salespersons have hands-on experience and are more likely to handle customers in a way that will lead to increased sales and a possibility of upselling.

Additionally, being a human interaction platform, you will not want to sound robotic, but professional-inside sales personnel are familiar with your products and will not sound programmed with answers.

  1. Perform surveys.

Before ending a chat with a customer, ask them how the service was, was it helpful, what would they want to be changed, and how can they rate the services? Such surveys give you the feeling of your customers towards your services and the opportunity to know where to adjust.

How to obtain a live chat solution

With the various live chat solutions providers available online, obtaining a live chat solution is not a tall order as it may seem to be. All that is needed is to get a platform that fits your business needs.

After finding the appropriate platform, configure the tools, and apply them to your website. Though it might prove difficult and take a little of your time to deploy, the results are worth it.

Remember to ensure that the platform you are picking is compatible with the analytics tools or built in the software. Interpreting the results and return on investment of live chat depends on how you will transform your growth strategies.


Everybody in online business understands well the importance of having high conversion rates: it triggers engagements, qualify your leads instantly, and brings a personal feeling to the leads. This is why every business should integrate the use of live chat solutions within their customer support system.

When a visitor decides to interact with a live chat on your website, they are either stuck about making some decision or want to make a purchase.

Catch them off guard and boost your conversion rates up to 40% at any instance of their interaction with your site by using live chat solutions.

Set a chat trigger where it is most relevant: to people who are stuck or lingering on your site or on pages that are mainly confusing.

Make live chat flawless, fun, and easy to use while also ensuring that it performs on all platforms. Do not be a rigid and robotic customer support agent.

Customers value a little show of humanity, more so if you use a tone, they can relate with and understands their needs.

Do not make clients to keep on repeating themselves: it is similarly rude on live chat the same way it sounds rude in physical conversations. Invest in necessary tools to make a seamless live chat solution for both the support team and clients.

Live chat solution is a chance to feature innovation in your business communication channel and be top of the competition.

If you want to solve customer’s needs in a quick, friendly, and professional way and boost your conversions rate, live chat solutions is the way to go. As a matter of fact, most companies are expected to integrate live chat in their customer support strategy, and you should not remain out.