Live chat support systems have been around for decades now but there is still a huge disparity between the number of businesses that use it and the ones that don’t. Many businesses have usually dismissed live chat as a trend or an unnecessary tool. If something’s not broken, they don’t see the need to fix it.
However, live chat support systems aren’t popular because they are part of a trend. Most businesses that use them have found them to be invaluable tools. The following are few facts that highlight just why live chat systems are so popular right now.
Live Chat Support Systems Offers The Fastest Response Times
Everyone hates to wait and when they have a problem, it’s natural to want a solution as quickly as possible. With live chat systems, it is possible to keep the customer calm and cool since it has the fastest response time of 10 seconds to 2 minutes. In comparison –
- The phone has a response time ranging from 15 minutes to 1 hour.
- Email has a response time of 10 to 12 hours.
- Social media has a response time ranging from 2 minutes to 10 hours.
The Highest Customer Satisfaction Rates
Customer satisfaction also hinges on the medium that is used. With live chat systems, customer satisfaction percentages are higher because of the prompt response and no wait times. In fact, around 92% of customers are satisfied with live chat systems. In contrast:
- 88% are happy with phone calls.
- 85% are satisfied with emails.
- 84% are content with Facebook messages.
- 77% are pleased with Twitter messages.
Increases Sales
Apart from having the highest customer satisfaction rate and fastest response time, live chat systems are also useful since they boost sales and help in lead generation. Data shows that it is possible to increase revenue by 48% and boost conversion rate by 40%. The same study also highlighted that around 77% of consumers will not make a purchase with a website if there is no live chat option available.
Customers Prefer It
One of the biggest reasons to get live chat is because customers actually prefer using live chat systems. Not only is it a preference but once they have used it, consumers will actively return or seek out live chat when they are on the website. 63% of a business’s customers will come back to the site. 41% of customers have stated that live chat systems are one of the best and most important features a business can offer to improve their shopping experience.
Saves You Money
Unlike other software systems and tools, live chat support systems save businesses a lot of money. Cost for implementation, training and more are drastically cut down. Moreover, most systems are easy to integrate into the business’s pre-existing system. They are also easier to maintain as well. Couple this with the increase it provides in revenue, conversion and engagement and you have a win-win situation. Live chat systems are definitely a worthwhile investment for your business with a very high ROI.